It’s not JUST a Saying

Recently I have heard a lot of men, most of them Canadian born white males, complaining about their life, wife, and job.

They say things like “Gotta ask the boss”(their wife), “It’s supposed to suck that’s why its called work”, “It could be worse”.

These men are defeated. Totally defeated! They spend their days at work and their nights making their wife happy, or at least not mad at them. Pathetic, completely pathetic.

An existence of existing. “Don’t rock the boat” Make sure no one gets mad at me. Walking around like a beaten dog with its tail between its leg content to get a scrap. Head down and eyes low.

Saying these thing all day everyday. It’s not a saying it’s a mindset, a way of life. And these people with dicks, these people who would rather masturbate then talk to a woman, out of fear. Have this mindset. You can see them everywhere. Usually, they will be seen with a woman carrying her purse and paying for someone else’s kids that aren’t his and hate him because he isn’t their dad. He knows it. But hey at least he has a wet place to put his little Oscar Mayer when she says its allowed.

This mindset that women are better. They’re not just better at complaining and getting their way. Better at rallying together for a common purpose.

That any minority has to be accepted for their differences. It’s OK to see the differences but one must not accept them all.

That you should feel guilty for being white and male. Really is it not just as racist and sexist to stop someone qualified for getting a job, or a place to live because of their race or sex.

End it now.

Be proud of who you are. Be proud of who you are. First you must know who that is. Go find out and then be that person. 100%

Make no apologies, just act accordingly.

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