Windex for your Carpet Stains

I was cleaning and had some stains that were getting to me. The carpet looked ugly, like someone puked there and left it. It was there for a while and kept getting looked over, not cleaned, and being stubborn when trying to be cleaned. I was sure I was in for a cleaning bill for the carpets soon as I could not stand the sight of this.


My dirty carpet

So I looked online. I saw a good carpet cleaning agent was ammonia. I knew that windex used to have ammonia in it. I thought what is the worst that could happen. I sprayed windex on the stain. I soaked it while washing the floor.( about 10 min)

I came back and scrubbed lightly with a cloth and to my suprise the stain lifted.


Same area of carpet ten minutes after I took the first one. Insert easy button here. The carpet was clean and now I can continue to work without that being in my mind.

Give it a try and tell me about any tips and tricks you have found.


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