Non-addictive Kratom!

Some people say that Kratom is addictive. They are the same people ho say that a lot of other substances are addictive. People who are afraid to try new things that may benefit their lives but they will not because “I heard it is addictive“. These are the people who will say “I just have an addictive personality“. They are usually obese or on their way.

They will fill their days with things they they cannot control.

  • Ipod addiction
  • TV shows
  • Food
  • Etc.

They are afraid that they will start something good with their lives and then stop. They are constantly being told by their own brains to stick to the activities that they know. Let me tell you from first hand experience that Kratom is a very subtle “high”. It gives you the ability to let go and generally be more tolerant of the people around and brings down your social anxiety a little if you have any.

For example normally I would go and get a hair cut and it would be awkward for the hairdresser and myself. She would get to asking a couple questions an I would get to one word answers. Eventually it would turn into her just being quiet and me getting the haircut I wanted. However, I went for my last haircut and learned a lot about the girl cutting my hair. She is a lesbian, and has a partner in construction who is an electrician. This never would have happened before. I would not have ever cared about her a all to ask questions and find out things about her life.

This led me to believe it was good for me and for my social level. I could talk with people like I was drinking but not be drunk and still make good decisions. It works every time. Sometimes I will take on days when we have social events just to be more social with people I normally cannot stand and have nothing in common with.( The average guy likes to talk about sports and T.V. I don’t not watch sports and only about an hour of T.V. per week.)

2011-bbqWith Kratom I can get along with a lot more people and they even comment later about great conversations they had with me. I have used it for days on end then just stopped and never had a craving for it or even cared that I did not do it that day at all. Definitely not addictive and definitely good for me. I have addressed the issue with stomach pain here.

Check out these post and my other ones let me know down below what you think.

Kratom and your stomach.

Kratom In Canada



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