Why is enough never enough?

This question came into my head the other day while I was driving. Then it related to my family, my work , my interests, and everything in between. Even my parenting and my wife’s.

People , not all but most people. They strive to have status, or money, or love. They want their kids to have everything, that they never had or even if they did. It is   never enough. Never filled completely, always seeking more.

More beautiful, more money, more things.

Imagine for a quick second the final outcome of life. I will give you the answer death.


hat is it. Now for a minute or two imagine what will happen when you are dead. All of those worries are gone. It is freeing. You are free of this body and of this worlds wants. The desire is gone. You are totally fee.

When you open your eyes, try to know in your own self, that once the worst things are over, the only one who can let the harm you is you. Things are over, now you can let them go and gmove closer to yuor end. Yo can choose to wait around to die or wake up and live until it catches you, because it is a race no one has ever won yet.


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