Adrafinil in Canada – My friend

I always had a lot of day time sleepiness. I would often dose off in traffic during the drive home from work. I usually sleep about 6 hours per day. I do not feel the need to sleep more than that and I usually don’t. i feel worse actually when I get more sleep and feel retarded all day. I decided to try Adrafinil after reading about Modafinil and realizing I would need a script for one. I did not feel like going to the doctor and asking for a  medication. I will now consider it and as to why. I am not depressed, I just get very sleepy during the day. Enough to sometimes fall asleep at red lights. Even in winter with the windows down and heat off in the vehicle.

Adrafinil | 300 mg | 30, 70, 100, or 150 Capsules | Nootropic (150) is the brand I purchased and used everyday for a month. I would wake up in the morning and take two Adrafinil and a B complex vitamin.

The first thing I noticed with Adrifinil was that it felt like I was more awake. But I immediately noticed my daily production get better as well. I was no longer tired in the afternoon. The only downside so far is the smell of my urine. I do drink coffee everyday and I fast during the week until supper time. The next thing I noticed was that I could run on minimal sleep. Like four hours sleep feel tired then take the Adrafinil and then have a normal good day. I also noticed that I would no longer be tired while driving which was a big one for me. I could be well rested and awake. I would start driving and then bam sleepy for the first half hour of sleep. That was gone for me.

I believe that adrafinil is a great substance to give a try.


I now purchased Adrafinil from Ceretropic. More cost effective if you buy larger amounts and you can make you own cocktails.

photo credit: Petit bebe via photopin (license)

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