Gorilla Mindset by Mike Cernovich Self Talk

Self Talk

Am I choosing in this moment , to be the type of person I want to become?

In this moment yes. In other moments recently no.

This recording was done on Aug. 23

This is what I have been telling my self all the time.

My mantra or one word reminder is .




My mantra will be ” Discipline over impulse”

You see whatever I feel like doing right now is probably not what I should be doing  if I want a better future for me and my family.

The Most common phrase I say to myself is:

"I am a piece of shit. And I am barely faking it."

I feel like this sums it up for me. And it is the perfect excuse to be a POS. Be what you are, right?

A piece of shit would be doing what you are doing right now , … so you must be one.It n  lowers my expectations of myself and my own value. It makes it OK to fail, at diet, life, relationships, family. I fail because that is what I am. A POS does not pay attention to his children, he does not care about anything except his own life.


What is a new empowering or comforting phrase you can use when talking to yourself?

I made a mistake, own it, fix it, learn from it. I can now make every effort to not do it again. I can recognize what is causing me to make a mistake and then stop the path before I head down it.

I will avoid the absolutes. A mistake is an opportunity for growth. I WILL GROW from it.


I will talk to myself as I would a close family member or friend who I want to succeed. I will build myself up.

I will turn my shitty statements about myself into questions. I will rephrase the things I say about myself. Something I heard from Jo Rogan, he got it from somewhere to. ” Act as though you are the star of your own action movie” (paraphrased not actually a quote.)

How will prevent myself from making the same mistake in the future???

I will be mindful of the events leading up to the mistakes, unpreparedness, spiral out of control, boredom, excessive consumption of alcohol. Anything that is a trigger I can attempt to prevent in the future.

I can talk to myseld in front of a mirror at least once a week in the first little while and record myself. I will Speak to myself as though I am the most intelligent and attractive man I have ever met.

I will repeat my morning mantra

“Discipline over impulse”


As soon as I finish the next chapter it will be linked here.


You can buy the book here on amazon. Gorilla Mindset

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