Personality Type Myers-Briggs

INTP Is what the test at They have a little test to find out how you work inside. This is what theirs told me.

It seem fairly accurate and not surprising at all.

Oh yeah here is my 5a.m. photo again.

MY own personal proof.

Self proof of getting up and staying up at 5a.m.

Back to 16personalities. The test is no that long and it is relatively easy. You either agree or you don’t to statements. I have taken these before and gotten similar results. The INT stays the same whenever I take one of these but the P might sometimes be a J.There is no best type to be. But it can help yo understand how yo work and maybe how to better yourself. If that sort of thing interests you. The test there is free by the way. There is of course a pay section to the site. But you will gt the first part for free and you will get your personality type.

You will also get a list of things on the side that tell you about yourself. IF YOU DIDN’T LIE ON THE TEST.

Career, parenting, things like that. You might learn why you lose motivations quickly or why you don’t actually care about peoples feelings.

Why do people think they shouldn’t have to pay for things on the web anymore? I blame google.

Like they really need everything to be free.

Back to me. This weekend I went camping at a cabin with some friends at a lake. Not really my thing. But I have children and they enjoy that sort of thing. We did tubing, something I never did before and found it to be OK. I more call it “seeing how long you can hold on for”. No skill really involved just hold on. We ate food, I did not eat a lot but a lot was made. Wow was a lot of food made.

Other improvement tips i used and utilized. Well, from Scott Adams book How to Fail at Almost Everything and still Win Big

I starting using a system. I allowed myself to eat as much fruit as I want instead of crappy sugar treats. My system is to stop eating processed food first and program myself into not like it. Then program again in a couple weeks. I find it a lot easier to tell people at a party, “I don’t like those” or “that” when refering to the why don’t you want any question. You then don’t have to explain your whole system. Also it helps with programming yourself that you actually don’t like those things. The more you say it the more you will believe it. You will also start to see your results and rally like those. Which will build even more of the not liking those shitty foods.

That is all I have for today.

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