What is my Reality?

What is Real?

Well it is difficult to know. I can tell you what feels real, looks real, and sounds, tastes, etc. I only have my five senses and they only work in a very limited way. The spectrum of light my eyes see, is limited as is the range of sound. Other animals have sonar, can sense electromagnetic waves, some animals can even shock you. That is only the real from the physical view. The colour of things and the sounds of them.

Imagine for a moment that when I look at a red light it looks different to me than to you! Like for instance my brain interprets colours differently than yours. The only thing is you would never know Because as I grew up my whole life I was being told that that specific wavelength was being called red. And so to me that is red. My reality and yours can look totally different an can co-exist. No harm done. Even a blind person, or deaf can live alongside my reality.

So what is real for me is not real for you. In the literal physical sense. Now if we go a step further. Our belief system.

What do you believe?

Once upon a time, there was nothing. And then kaboom the universe created itself. Particles travelling around everywhere, bumping into each other and slowly forming clumps like dust bunnies in the corner of the room, under the couch. Then, as the dust bunnies got bigger they gather more dust faster and even start to harden up. Eventually planets are formed and gravity, then just a magical as the nothing to something kaboom, life begins. Seemingly out of nowhere, a cell forms and mutates. Fast forward to now.

If this is what happened or not it doesn’t matter. If I believe it it doesn’t matter. My life still works and so does yours. They can connect intertwine and be together on the same street corner. Hell they could even be in a relationship with each other.

If you believe that a prophet came down to earth, to tell us a story and give us instructions on how to live. Generally, we can live together and co-exist with one another.People with one faith or another can usually co-exist. Unless the one faith reality is that the other deserves to die. Just for existing. For not believing the same. If they were raised and brainwashed their whole lives to know in their hearts that any person who does not bow to their faith deserves to have their head take off. In a display for children to see. To show how powerful they are. That the women, their own sisters and their own family should be married off and uneducated at extremely young ages. The women who do not cover their bodies deserved to be raped, to death. That is the will of their god Their all powerful creator.

It is very difficult for you and I to co-exist together. I will always be running around trying to keep my head on. And you will be trying to take it off. Like the worst game of duck duck goose ever.

Here is the 5AM PHOTO

Getting Up Early

Getting Up Early

Also, when our paths cross, I will come with, usually with an open discussion heart, and yours with a heart of deceit and hate to me and my family.

These are two extremes of course. A lot of people just want to be happy and raise a family, They do not want to impose their reality on others and make them fall. They do not have conquest in their hearts. But some do. And they will find followers. Just as KKK finds followers, and Black Lives Matter finds it idiotic followers. They are based on a little bit of distrust and throw in some brain washed racism, religionism, or any other random hate for someone who you have never met. Violence will ensue. It will be justified for those committing it. I always tell my kids, Both sides of the men in the war believe they are fighting for the right side. But it doesn’t matter both sides are killing each other.

Trust me if I come to kill your children, you will never find yourself happy with me. You will not have open arms. You should not. You should never welcome anyone into your house who would hurt you family. Who would willingly rape your wife, and take you head off. Just as you would not let someone into your house who just escaped prison, or even just got out.

My reality says my families safety, security, and happiness, is magnitudes greater than your feelings. Hugely, greater than your families safety and security. For me my family comes before yours. I when it comes down to it I expect no different from you.

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