Keto, Carnivore and Cholesterol

Imagine you have been eating a certain way for a while. And now you feel great this way. No more daytime tiredness, anxiety gone and you are losing body fat fast. Need to buy new clothes because your don’t fit anymore!


Then you go to the doctor, get a physical. They take some blood out of your arm, they call you back and say “we would like you to come in and discuss your test results”.

Good news probably, they are calling to tell you how well everything is inside you and keep doing what you are doing. Hell, they might even want in on it for themselves. OR….they want to tell you something else.

They most likely want to talk about your cholesterol levels being a little bit different than, you know, people who don’t get heart attacks in their 40’s. Well, then you might decide to start educating yourself on cholesterol and its effects. Maybe , just maybe you have a few questions.

What is it for?

Is it really that bad?

Does it fluctuate during the day/week?

Why do you feel good if you are going to die inside?

How many types of cholesterol are there?

What are normal levels, and are they different for people eating a keto diet, or carnivore diet?

What is worse cholesterol or high blood sugar?

For me, the doctor told me that he does not want to give me meds, because I am not really the type to take them. He is right. I do not believe fat in your diet is all that bad, and I have been leaning out since eating high fat and moderate protein. I have also been eating carnivore for the last three weeks. I have been including dairy that has just been cut out 3 days ago. Coffee is still on the menu for me, as is eggs. Cooking with lard and bacon fat only right now and having a little trouble finding tallow in my city.

The doc gave me a paper so i can go get checked again i 2 to 3 months he said. Told me cholesterol levels cannot be affected in matter of weeks. So, i will go again in a few months. I will post the before and after cholesterol results. As well as update and answer some of my questions.

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