Chapter 4 Gorilla Mindset

Chapter 1 here

Chapter 2 here

Chapter 3 here

State Control

This is Chapter 4

Talking to yourself is important here. Very important. Very very important.

I am setting my home base, my starting point. I can come back to it whenever I feel overwhelmed or unsure.

My base state is one of power, resourcefulness and invincibility.

This means I cannot lose unless I quit. In fact I have never failed, I just didn’t work hard enough or long enough.

I have always made things work and I am an amazing problem solver. I have been the one to solve many problems that other people have tried.

I can feel my emotions in my calves, feet tingling. LEvel of excitement gets my feet jumping and restless. I feed off of crowds, if their energy is high mine gets higher and higher. I amplify what is around me like a tuning fork.


Create my safe space

I like to have a specific time in my head and close my eyes and fel the room. Smells, sights, sounds all of it. Try to bring it back to life. A time when I was victorious and could feel it.

TO reinforce m state, I hear the song in my head. I feel the total control I had of the room and the lights the energy in the room. It was blissful. I had a flow state, I could do no wrong at all. Even my wrong turned out right. I carried no doubt and made decisions without approval and followed through. I was a man, alpha if you will. Even though Ithink it is corny to say it.

My body was upright and proud and I looked people in the eye. I did not care at all what others thought about me. It showed.

To recreate this I stand up with erect posture , in my mind see pure confidence. I feel the universe energy flow through me and know my decisions are right. and to stop double guessing myself. TO inform, decide , execute.


To Help this along and make it a constant. 

Remind myself how I feel is a choice. I can wake up on the wrong side of the bed. I cannot control how others act and feel. I make a choice to feel like shit or to feel invincible daily.

Whenever my day is shitty of blah! Remind myself of these tactics and take control. Step out of the moment for a little and take action.

I have an outlet for stress. But the two main choices are drinking, or the gym. Obviously one is the better choice.

For me drinking is just a mind release. Allows me to shut off the thinking for a little bit and not to think ten moves ahead. To live completely in the now regardless of consequence. The the gym is the only real option.


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