Failed Again!

I want you to imagine for a minute, that you are on your way to success. You are one step away from the final glory of reaching the peak you wanted. You can see it as it come closer. The one thing you have worked for for the past year, or two or more. Just within reach. And then as you get closer, the closeest you have been. Loved ones around you start to hold you back. Their attitude changes around. They become angry, or jealous, or who knows what. They feel left out maybe.


You let yourself slip a little. You go to the party with them. This week. only once. Then next week. You start to slip with your regimen as well. Just a little. Others see you and notice. but you just keep slipping. You know you are one the slide at the top of the ladder but that is not why you climbed, to go down. The slide looks like so much fun so you hop on.

That is what I did. And I am now fed up with myself. Again.


I am starting Gorilla Mindset over again with daily practice and to start I am doing the 30 days of discipline. I will look like an outsider. I will be an outsider. Getting up every morning and exercising, not jerking off, cold showers and shit.

I have not written in a while and this is why. I have been failing. Everyday, every single day. I am not holding myself accountable to my own goals and my lifestyle issues.

I drink too much.

I let myself get fat. Wayyy fatter than I have been in a long time. I did not want this to happen, but I did not stop it either. Last year at this time I was a whole 30 lbs lighter and looked good.Now embarrassed to take my shirt off. I just keep eating. Sugary stuff, alcohol, whatever makes me feel stuff. I don’t really exercise anymore.

I should I really should. My face is getting round, And I feel as though I will die sooner. I see the action I am taking as I take it bt do it anyway.

I really need to be held accountable.

At this rate I will be obese by next winter.(guess I wont need a jacket.)

The shitty part is I can literally feel myself having less energy. I know I need to do better for my life, but lately I have not been.

I have been lying to myself and I just keep doing it.

I will get up at 5. But hit the snooze.

I will get my shoulds done.  Tomorrow.

I will write an article per week. This is my system for success. I will stay home for free and write.

Brain scan

Brain after exercise. Lit up!

I will get up early and exercise. This is for more energy though out the day. See brain scan pic.

I will fast 2 days per week as per Eat stop Eat protocol. See here. Eat Stop Eat Done this before as it is a great jump start to fat loss. Your energy levels will surprise you as well!

Tomorrow I will post the shameful start pics. This next 30 days will be great as I have a lot of improvement to make. And I really need the energy. I have classes and a business, and children.

Tomorrow morning I will post with a screen shot of 5 a.m. or I will take down the site.

Check out my start on gorilla mindset here

and here




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