Why you must believe your own bullshit and more 5 in the morning thoughts!

I will start off with my screenshot.

Day 3
Day 3

Believe your own bullshit!

That means by all degrees you must believe in yourself and the story you tell yourself. The one going on in your head all the time.

First off let me tell you that , you are not special. Not by any means. Unless you believe you are. And that is the difference. People who are special, different or whatever. They believe the story they told themselves. They believed they would make the Olympics, that they were destined for gold. The big problem is the story most eople tell themselves, without even knowing it.

Try this,

Take 15 minutes and actually listen to yourself. Just listen to the person talking to you in your head. Does he have your voice, is it sarcastic or trustworthy? Does it make you want to smile? Take note during the day of what that voice tells you when you make a little mistake. Is it shit like “your are so stupid” , “you don’t deserve to live”

Or is is stuff like” I am the greatest” , “fuck I’m awesome”, etc.

You can read here about self talk and its importance. Don’t believe me? Well you don’t have to. Just ask yourself.


Downside of believing in yourself?

Well there is one for sure. You start to think that you are better than other people. Because those people are shitty at life. And they are, by your standards. It starts to annoy you of their shittyness. But you can’t let that get to you. You then will get to the next level where you start to see it doesn’t matter what they do. They do them and you do you.

Umma do me, umma do me, umma do me
You just do you, umma do me, umma do me, umma do me
Umma do me, umma do me, umma do me
You just do you, umma do me, umma do me, umma do me

Rocko, Umma do me


Hidden benefit of getting up early that you probably never thought of.

  • You get first dibs at leftovers. Ahhh, those suckers lost out!
  • You feel accomplished when you get something done before the city is awake.
  • In the quiet you can decide what really matters to yo most.

Imagination is the key. It is what separates us from the animals. We can imagine something that hasn’t happened, like for instance Trump being the president. Then we attach our own individual knowledge to the situation. Attach our personal bias, and feelings. Through in some of the influence people around you have. And then yo know What he would do when in power. You know that he would be great or horrible. But, you really don’t. Just a guess. Just like all the people who predicted that he would lose the primary.

It is just like you can predict what ill happen on the way to work today. You plan for something to happen. You imagine it being a certain way. Then you routinely find yourself wrong. Road block. car won’t start, sleep through the alarm. All of that predicting we do is our imagination. We can imagine a big red house in the middle of a field , with one tree beside it. Or, we can imagine how the conversation will go when we ask for a raise from the boss. When we walk in and say can I have more money for what I am already doing this job for. Give me more for the same.

Other things to imagine for the fun of it

  • Eating super with the boys from Peter Pan. They even imagined the food.
  • Having a conversation with Hitler. Like maybe you are interviewing him for the news.
  • Imagine the last vacation you were on, where were you. The smell of the air, the elements on your skin. The emotion in your heart.
  • Imagine to yourself if your parents were all yo wanted them to be. … By the way maybe this will show you what to be for your children.
  • Imagine what you would look like without any skin.
  • Living inside the mind of your favorite animal.
  • One a lot of us have done, “If I won the lottery…..”

These are things to get your brain going. Anytime of the day.

Until tomorrow.

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